SA Blind Tandem Association (Western Cape)

NPO NUMBER: 039-525


 Appeal for Sponsorship

 The South African Tandem Association was formed as a club with the aim of enabling blind and partially sighted persons to participate in and enjoy the sport of cycling.
It is a sports affiliate of the South African National Council for the Blind and of the South African Sports Association for the Physically Disabled and Cycle South Africa. A blind person is accompanied on a tandem bicycle by a sighted person, who acts as his/her pilot. This sport has been popular amongst the blind for twenty five years and we regularly participate in the local fun rides, our five-day tour around the Western Cape, the Johannesburg to Durban Tour, the Durban to St Lucia Tour, the MTN Amashova Durban Classic and the Cape Argus Pick ‘n Pay Cycle Tour.

Because we are eager to promote this sport in other countries we are at present planning what will be our first tour in Namibia. The tour will start on Sunday 6th July 2014 in Reheboth from where we will cycle to Windhoek then on to Okahandja before proceeding to Usakos and Swakopmund and Walvis Bay where the tour will end on Thursday 10th July 2014.

We expect to be a party of around 60 people which will include members from our branches in the Western Cape, Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal. Since we have formed an association with the Athlone School for the Blind we are also hoping to take with us a few of their pupils on this tour which is also used as a training camp for developing promising cyclists, especially those from previously disadvantaged backgrounds.

 We are in urgent need of tandem bicycles for this tour. Being a non-profit organisation we depend largely on the business and public sectors for assistance and it is for this reason we are appealing to you for possible sponsorship. If you are able to assist us we will send you any relevant quotations and ensure you enjoy maximum publicity. Your consideration and any assistance you may be able to offer us on this matter would be enormously appreciated.


Kind regards

Roy Abbott (Chairman)
021-9396999 (work)

Cindy Jacobsz
021-9491318 (home)

John Waumsley (Treasurer)
021-5592536 (home)